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Newly Banded Nov 1, 2006 Mom and Son

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:) :) :) Our experience was fantastic! It has been 4 days since our surgery. Dr. Ortiz is wonderful! We were scared to death (literally) of going to TJ MX. And 17,000 for the both of us was lots of $. Thank God, I have a wonderful, kind, generous hubby! I hate to sound selfish, but our health, mind set, and feeling and looking good about our body image is worth it. I have been a yo yo struggler my whole life, only to keep gaining at 48yrs old. I know I dont have as much to lose as some folks, but the never ending struggle with food is the same.

Kyle was following in my path at only 15yrs old. I started at 185, 5'3" and Kyle 225 at 5'5". We both averaged about 77.5 body fat. Thats ALOT. After researching 24/7 almost constantly anyway, we followed all the preop stuff to begin a new and healthy life. My biggest concern was being able to stick to the liquid stage afterward. I mean, come on, we are eaters and that is our favorite thing to do! Pitafull, I know, BUT LIQUIDS for 21 DAYS! It was TOUGH ENOUGH sticking to the slim fast and a lean cuisine. As luck would have it, My B-day, Oct 26, and Anniv Oct 27! fell into the preop diet. So very tough. I cheated a little.

We flew into SAN. on Oct. 31, Halloween, and I passed out candy eyeballs, how lame, but fun. LOL (I think it was a way to keep my mind off of what was going to happen). We were met by a chaffeur, Fransico, drove threw rush hour traffic and took about an hour to get to the Lucenera Hotel. The security was GREAT there, and everyone friendly. We were shown our room, ate at the MX rest. (good) cheated again. Back to room, fell asleep nervously, woke up and met Mrs. Ortiz in the lobby. She drove us to the Clinic (Bev Hills style).

We checked in, saw Dr. Miranda (she went over the diet post-op) we were weighed, etc. they drew blood, (Kyle almost passed out & about 4 nurses, Dr's. came rushing, laid him down, etc.) very comforting. Next we saw the cardiologist, took a breathing test, EKG, passed everything and were ready for surgery. They gave us 2 pills to relax us (which they did very nicely).

Dr. Ortiz came in and was so funny & made you feel at ease. Talked about how weight is everything, along with being healthy. YES it is!! and he said, Kyle, today your life will change! For the better. He told Kyle to follow the rules for a couple of months, and then he said, Kyle were MANLY MEN, we eat hamb. pizza and eat MEN things, like WOOD and BARK (LOL) and after 2 months I dont care what you eat, eat anything! (Dr. Miranda might have been....a little shocked.) He said teens are the best patients, and he will lose. Kyle loved Dr. Ortiz & the nurses loved Kyle like there own son, then Kyle went back to his room, (he was having surgery 1st) I fell asleep, and was awoken by the nurse.

Kyle had been banded already, I walked in to see him, he mummbled some things, then I walked to O. R. and dont remember anything until I awoke and I was banded. Then we were encouraged to walk. Surprisingly, no pain, but we were given pain med. We were up and using the computers, called home, all the calls home were free. Stayed overnight, the beds were very comfortable, flat screen TV's with more channels then you can imagine. The service was impeccable. The nurses gave us popsicles, chicken broth, etc. Continued to take Blood Pressure, etc.

We were discharged the next morning. Another driver drove us back to the Hotel, for lunch we sipped chicken broth 1/2 cup and were stuffed! (Thanksgiving Stuffed) the same for the O.J. for breakfast the next morning. We took a taxi to the Mall, walked around, bought some things. Back at the Hotel we had a Mom & Son laugh & cry. Talked about how painful it has been that kids will be kids with the teasing of fat kids & how fabulous it is that it will soon be behind him. Kids can be ruthless, and even though you have the ability to laugh it off, the hurt lingers. Great Bonding Time. (He kept this all inside, I didn't know how this effected him) since he knows how to "give it back"

Watched the tube, went to sleep, had breakfast (the OJ). Kelly whom we were banded with the same day, rang our room to meet her and her husband in the rest. We talked for an hour or so, exchanged email and the driver was there to take us back across the border to the Airport. Flew home, and we literally cannot stop laughing from how full we feel. After drinking that O.J. 1/2 cup, at 7a.m. we were stuffed until 5pm. YA WHO. I dont want to get to "cocky", just want to enjoy the wonderful feeling's we are feeling.

I can already see a difference in Kyle's attitude about his weight, He put on a T-shirt he hasnt worn since last year, (a tight muscle T) and He was smiling from ear to ear, and so was I. Apologies for the length, but this was our experience on being banded. He is down to 210 and I am down to 175. He lost 10lbs pre-opt and I lost 8lbs. Were just a little tender but no pain. We LOVED this experience together, and for anyone considering MX. and Dr. Ortiz, it was far more then what I was expecting, and I had high expectations before going.! If your questioning TJ, MX, your probably going to be jumping out of your skin, like me, but not to worry! So, signing off, JOYFUL in AZ! :D Teri and Kyle PS. Wishing EVERYONE the BEST with whatever you decide!

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Teri and Kyle,

Congratulations to you both!!! What an amazing thing to be able to do together. To share that experience will keep you close forever.

I'm glad things are going so well for you so far. Isn't it strange to feel full after eating so little? I am still not used to it. I tend to but more on my plate than I actually need. I hope things continue to go so well. And stick to the liquid diet...you wouldn't want to compromise your band. You can do it.


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  mommyrkr said:

Teri and Kyle,

Congratulations to you both!!! What an amazing thing to be able to do together. To share that experience will keep you close forever.

I'm glad things are going so well for you so far. Isn't it strange to feel full after eating so little? I am still not used to it. I tend to but more on my plate than I actually need. I hope things continue to go so well. And stick to the liquid diet...you wouldn't want to compromise your band. You can do it.


Thank you Becki for your well wishes! Yes, so far it seems easy to stick to the liquids. Just 1/2 cup and you are stuffed! I love it! Now, 2 weeks down the road could be trouble. But am determined. Your progress is wonderful and I love reading all your posts! Teri :)

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  s0nhad0r said:

why didn't you try the gastric baloon? It could help you loose about 70lbs in 6 months, I lost 60 with that stuff.

I sincerly wish you all the luck with the balloon. As for us, we were looking for permanent weight loss, since the balloon can only be placed in the stomach for 6 months or earlier, then, must be removed, this was not an option for us. We would gain the weight back again in no time.

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Hi Teri,

Kim here... i was so glad to see you and Kyle at the clinic the day after your surgery. you both looked great and made me less nervous for my own surgery that day. i wish you guys the best - i too am down about 10 lbs and very happy about the whole process so far.

take care,


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  kym828 said:

Hi Teri,

Kim here... i was so glad to see you and Kyle at the clinic the day after your surgery. you both looked great and made me less nervous for my own surgery that day. i wish you guys the best - i too am down about 10 lbs and very happy about the whole process so far.

take care,


Hi Kim,

Wish we could have talked for a while. It seemed pretty quick when it was time to leave the hospital. Dr. Ortiz is great, isnt he!!!!!!!!!! ---and good looking too, just like patients say. :D Teri

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  LoriBecky said:

Hi Teri & Kyle,

I'm so glad all went well! This Lori, I was/am you patient care coordinator. Please keep me posted with your progress and feel free to contact me anytime with questions!!

Well Hello Lori!! just as you said, couldnt have asked for a better Dr. or staff! Thanks for all your help with all the questions I had. I think between you and Cindy I became a human sponge on the info you shared. We are 12 days post-op and have 9 to go to eat real food again. Lookin forward to that day:). What a long couple of weeks already, and hoping the next week or so will go by faster. heheh Thanks again, Lori,

Teri and Kyle

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  Teri said:

:) :) :) Our experience was fantastic! It has been 4 days since our surgery. Dr. Ortiz is wonderful! We were scared to death (literally) of going to TJ MX. And 17,000 for the both of us was lots of $. Thank God, I have a wonderful, kind, generous hubby! I hate to sound selfish, but our health, mind set, and feeling and looking good about our body image is worth it. I have been a yo yo struggler my whole life, only to keep gaining at 48yrs old. I know I dont have as much to lose as some folks, but the never ending struggle with food is the same.

Kyle was following in my path at only 15yrs old. I started at 185, 5'3" and Kyle 225 at 5'5". We both averaged about 77.5 body fat. Thats ALOT. After researching 24/7 almost constantly anyway, we followed all the preop stuff to begin a new and healthy life. My biggest concern was being able to stick to the liquid stage afterward. I mean, come on, we are eaters and that is our favorite thing to do! Pitafull, I know, BUT LIQUIDS for 21 DAYS! It was TOUGH ENOUGH sticking to the slim fast and a lean cuisine. As luck would have it, My B-day, Oct 26, and Anniv Oct 27! fell into the preop diet. So very tough. I cheated a little.

We flew into SAN. on Oct. 31, Halloween, and I passed out candy eyeballs, how lame, but fun. LOL (I think it was a way to keep my mind off of what was going to happen). We were met by a chaffeur, Fransico, drove threw rush hour traffic and took about an hour to get to the Lucenera Hotel. The security was GREAT there, and everyone friendly. We were shown our room, ate at the MX rest. (good) cheated again. Back to room, fell asleep nervously, woke up and met Mrs. Ortiz in the lobby. She drove us to the Clinic (Bev Hills style).

We checked in, saw Dr. Miranda (she went over the diet post-op) we were weighed, etc. they drew blood, (Kyle almost passed out & about 4 nurses, Dr's. came rushing, laid him down, etc.) very comforting. Next we saw the cardiologist, took a breathing test, EKG, passed everything and were ready for surgery. They gave us 2 pills to relax us (which they did very nicely).

Dr. Ortiz came in and was so funny & made you feel at ease. Talked about how weight is everything, along with being healthy. YES it is!! and he said, Kyle, today your life will change! For the better. He told Kyle to follow the rules for a couple of months, and then he said, Kyle were MANLY MEN, we eat hamb. pizza and eat MEN things, like WOOD and BARK (LOL) and after 2 months I dont care what you eat, eat anything! (Dr. Miranda might have been....a little shocked.) He said teens are the best patients, and he will lose. Kyle loved Dr. Ortiz & the nurses loved Kyle like there own son, then Kyle went back to his room, (he was having surgery 1st) I fell asleep, and was awoken by the nurse.

Kyle had been banded already, I walked in to see him, he mummbled some things, then I walked to O. R. and dont remember anything until I awoke and I was banded. Then we were encouraged to walk. Surprisingly, no pain, but we were given pain med. We were up and using the computers, called home, all the calls home were free. Stayed overnight, the beds were very comfortable, flat screen TV's with more channels then you can imagine. The service was impeccable. The nurses gave us popsicles, chicken broth, etc. Continued to take Blood Pressure, etc.

We were discharged the next morning. Another driver drove us back to the Hotel, for lunch we sipped chicken broth 1/2 cup and were stuffed! (Thanksgiving Stuffed) the same for the O.J. for breakfast the next morning. We took a taxi to the Mall, walked around, bought some things. Back at the Hotel we had a Mom & Son laugh & cry. Talked about how painful it has been that kids will be kids with the teasing of fat kids & how fabulous it is that it will soon be behind him. Kids can be ruthless, and even though you have the ability to laugh it off, the hurt lingers. Great Bonding Time. (He kept this all inside, I didn't know how this effected him) since he knows how to "give it back"

Watched the tube, went to sleep, had breakfast (the OJ). Kelly whom we were banded with the same day, rang our room to meet her and her husband in the rest. We talked for an hour or so, exchanged email and the driver was there to take us back across the border to the Airport. Flew home, and we literally cannot stop laughing from how full we feel. After drinking that O.J. 1/2 cup, at 7a.m. we were stuffed until 5pm. YA WHO. I dont want to get to "cocky", just want to enjoy the wonderful feeling's we are feeling.

I can already see a difference in Kyle's attitude about his weight, He put on a T-shirt he hasnt worn since last year, (a tight muscle T) and He was smiling from ear to ear, and so was I. Apologies for the length, but this was our experience on being banded. He is down to 210 and I am down to 175. He lost 10lbs pre-opt and I lost 8lbs. Were just a little tender but no pain. We LOVED this experience together, and for anyone considering MX. and Dr. Ortiz, it was far more then what I was expecting, and I had high expectations before going.! If your questioning TJ, MX, your probably going to be jumping out of your skin, like me, but not to worry! So, signing off, JOYFUL in AZ! :D Teri and Kyle PS. Wishing EVERYONE the BEST with whatever you decide!

Teri & Kyle,

Congratulations on your new lifestyle! I can relate to your enthusiam because in April I had the surgery along with my two daughters on the same day. It hasn't always been easy, but we have our own support group....lol! My younger daughter has lost a total of 68# and she looks fabulous. The older daughter's weight loss has been slower (she was a diabetic, but has not had any insulin since surgery)...she has had 4 fills and is just now losing at a steady pace (she also is the only one of us that got the VG band). I had a lower BMI and it has been slow for me to lose, plus I've had 3 fills before I felt restriction. I am progressing very nicely now and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Teri give Kyle a hug for me from Oklahoma....I am proud of him! I know how cruel some young folks can be with overweight people....well older folks can be cruel too, and there's job descrimination as well. So my prayers will be with you two, and God bless you on the most incredible journey of your life!


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  Dreamer said:

Teri & Kyle,

Congratulations on your new lifestyle! I can relate to your enthusiam because in April I had the surgery along with my two daughters on the same day. It hasn't always been easy, but we have our own support group....lol! My younger daughter has lost a total of 68# and she looks fabulous. The older daughter's weight loss has been slower (she was a diabetic, but has not had any insulin since surgery)...she has had 4 fills and is just now losing at a steady pace (she also is the only one of us that got the VG band). I had a lower BMI and it has been slow for me to lose, plus I've had 3 fills before I felt restriction. I am progressing very nicely now and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Teri give Kyle a hug for me from Oklahoma....I am proud of him! I know how cruel some young folks can be with overweight people....well older folks can be cruel too, and there's job descrimination as well. So my prayers will be with you two, and God bless you on the most incredible journey of your life!


Oh, your soooo sweet, thank you for all the wishes and hug! Glad to hear you are all losing to. How old are your daughters? Its great to know you would still do it in a heartbeat to, since were still in the liquid phase and havent experienced the band, so to speak. Wow, how wonderful that your daughter is off insulin!!! Teri

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  • 1 month later...

Well, today is Jan. 10, 07 and its been 2 months and 10 days since our surgery. After gaining all our post surgery weight back and 2 fills later, we are back on track. I decided to post here since I somehow find it hard to find all the topics I've posted in. Anyway, what a wonderful breakthru so to speak for Kyle. He asked me the other day if we had any healthy food to eat, since he was tired of eating junk food. LOL hahah (Music to my ears) So, fresh cherry's were the winner. I always cooked healthy meals when my kids were growing up, but as teenagers, trying to get them to eat vegtables and fruits, no matter how many times I would suggest it, was a struggle. He has a hard time since being banded with pizza which is his favorite and since he works at Micky D's, lunch break is tough. He wanted me to bring him "real wholesome food" yesterday. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I gladly did!! He's already lost another 8 pounds since our fill on Jan 5, 07, and I've lost 6. My stomach has butterflies when I think of the results we are getting. If this truly does last, this to me will be a dream come true!! So far, I am loving this band and the help it is giving me and my son. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so glad to hear you guys are doing well, and congradulations on your weight loss. I know how hard it can be to lose weight without the correct level of restriction.

What an amazing thing the band is that it wants us to not only eat less, but healthier. I still have young kids, so they get what I make (though often they don't eat much if at all of some things). I keep making mostly healthy food, and sometimes they like it, often my pickies doesn't. I hope they actually can make healthier choices when they are teenagers. I hope watching my struggles might encourage them to try a different road. But I will have no qualms about getting them a band either, if necessary. I'm glad to have this option, not just for me, but for my whole family.

Good luck, and keep us posted...literally.


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3 Months After Being Banded:

:-? :-? :-? Well, this week, I will make the trip back this time without Kyle to TJ for the 4th time. First time, surgery, and this will be my 3rd fill! My band is not "holding" the restriction. I am confused a little, because Dr. Romero checked for a port leak last time we were there which was Jan 5. and there seemed to be no leak. I try not to think about weighing more than I did before I had the surgery, for me, it just wouldn't help the situation. I also don't want to feel glum all the time. I still believe being restricted is the key with the band, so that helps. My husband is great, and is being paitient, bless him! - but does throw in little comments about how great the band is. UGH! (How can I blame him for thinking the way he does, I can't) Kyle's weight loss is slow, but he is loosing about 1 pound a week. He's lost about 21 pounds all together. After fills, I hold restriction for a few days, then it POOF, it ends, and I am back to eating the same amount of food as before surgery. I am still positive about the band working, but must admit, it's getting harder. <_< Teri

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Let's hope this will have to be your last fill for a while. Surely, they will locate the problem and fix it. Just hang in there. From what I've been reading, the band really does work. I'm getting banded on Feb. 8th and I just have to believe that this will work for me. I hope that your frustrations are put to ease with your upcoming trip to TJ. Let us know how it goes!

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  Pamela said:
Let's hope this will have to be your last fill for a while. Surely, they will locate the problem and fix it. Just hang in there. From what I've been reading, the band really does work. I'm getting banded on Feb. 8th and I just have to believe that this will work for me. I hope that your frustrations are put to ease with your upcoming trip to TJ. Let us know how it goes!

Thank you so much Pamela, and blessings galore with your weight loss. i leave tomorrow so i will update when i return. i am going with another lady that was banded on the same day as Kyle and me.

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You said this is your third fill, so it may not really be the band "leaking". A lot of people lose air after their first fill, which reduces the total fill level (some liquid goes with it, usually). This is "priming" the band. The 2nd fill may have actually cause some swelling from irritation, which is why it seemed perfect at first, but now that your tummy has calmed down it wouldn't seem nearly as tight. The third fill may get you to the fill level that you need, or you may just need to keep sneaking up on it!

Good luck :)

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  Littleroo27 said:
You said this is your third fill, so it may not really be the band "leaking". A lot of people lose air after their first fill, which reduces the total fill level (some liquid goes with it, usually). This is "priming" the band. The 2nd fill may have actually cause some swelling from irritation, which is why it seemed perfect at first, but now that your tummy has calmed down it wouldn't seem nearly as tight. The third fill may get you to the fill level that you need, or you may just need to keep sneaking up on it!

Good luck :)

Littleroo- :-h You are soooo right about the leaking band-air-priming! Thanks so much for your support too-& on the boards, love your contribution! Very valuable info-cause you always seem to be "right" on!!! Sometimes it helps me to have someone "think" with me, because I don't always recognize everything I could. I did go for a fill yesterday and it's kinda lengthy and dont have enough time to post, so I will do it when I get back from taking my son to school. Teri

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OK - Back from TJ - should I say from getting a (4th fill??) Well, it was suppose to be my 3rd fill. I know, confusing, hang with me. I had 2.5cc in my band and that same number was still in the band after thinking I might have a small leak. That was great news and I was relieved.

Was then filled to 3cc and asked to eat 2 pieces of toast, which I finished, with no problems. Then my banding friend Kelly and I were asked to go eat a normal lunch and come back within an hour afterwards. We took a taxi to the Lucernia Hotel and had lunch, it was about 12:30pm. I was still able to eat approx 3 cups of food. NO PROBLEMS, I did push it a little, because I DID NOT WANT to LEAVE TJ without knowing I had restriction and that feeling of fullness, since I am a volume eater, (I've always liked 2nd helpings and could skip all the desserts, I'm not a dessert eater.) Nor did I want to still being able to eat anything again.

At the restaraunt I had 1 chicken enchalda, 2 phillo spinach and cheese appetizers (both bigger than the palm of my hand), 1 cup of rice (NO PROBLEM) a lg piece of broccoli, lettuce and about 12 tostada chips, with a creamy quacamole dip. (We did have a margarita beforehand) and this was all after I had the toast at the clinic. No problems with any of the foods or amounts. I didnt really care for the chicken enchaladas, but did eat the one.

Back at the clinic, now I am a bit embarassed, thinking I'm some kind of freak-a-nature, (as kids would say), or some kind of freak with the amount of saline that was injected to the band and STILL being able to eat, blah. blah, blah, So, very hesitantly, Dr. Ramero added another .4cc. I now have 3.4cc. hmmm...OKay... This makes me feel real good since out of the 5,000 patients they have seen thus far the highest number of cc's he has done was 3.6cc (with the smaller band) and ONLY 10 of his patients have that amount!!!!!!!!!!!) I think I'm a NUT CASE for the band.

At the airport, we had some extra time to sit and chat, it was about 5:00pm now, and Kelly ordered a cheese quesadilla, I still WAS NOT hungry, but decided to try out the 3.4cc restriction. I had 4 small bites and was stuffed again. Arrived home around 10:00pm feeling hungry, so I ate 1 slice of cheese and was satisfied.

This morning I had a bagel with cream cheese and noticeably more restriction than I have ever felt with any of the fills so far, and my sister pointed out that I said that last time................... So, I'll just keep pluggin along and hope again, this restriction HOLDS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-? :lol:

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You are so sweet! I'm really glad everything seems to be going well for you with your third AND fourth fills!!! Sometimes I'm unable to respond to people's posts simply because I don't HAVE the band yet *stomps foot and pouts*, but I did read Dr. Ortiz's book and have done so much research on the thing that my head sometimes spins from it, so when I see people with questions or who are just frustrated, I want to help when I can. I'm sure when I get the band I'll be back here asking these same questions to everyone else, just because it's so much different going through it yourself. I was really hoping to get banded in March, but now that my insurance covers the banding I have to do that whole 6 month pre-op diet, etc etc, red tape how I loath you.

  Teri said:
Littleroo- :-h You are soooo right about the leaking band-air-priming! Thanks so much for your support too-& on the boards, love your contribution! Very valuable info-cause you always seem to be "right" on!!! Sometimes it helps me to have someone "think" with me, because I don't always recognize everything I could. I did go for a fill yesterday and it's kinda lengthy and dont have enough time to post, so I will do it when I get back from taking my son to school. Teri
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Hi Teri,

I really hope you find and keep the restriction this time. last time i had to eat the toast at the OCC i could barely eat half of it and that was on 1-19-07. so far so good with my fill and i have started to lose steadily again. i am down 24 lbs now since surgery in nov. hang in there - it is soooo wonderful when you do get that restriction. i have noticed that if i am feeling low in calories and weak for the day i will sip water while eating to get things to go thru so i can eat more, otherwise after 5 or 6 spoonfulls i am stuffed and getting that uncomfortable feeling. i know this will work for both you and kyle - just hang in there.


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  kym828 said:
Hi Teri,

I really hope you find and keep the restriction this time. last time i had to eat the toast at the OCC i could barely eat half of it and that was on 1-19-07. so far so good with my fill and i have started to lose steadily again. i am down 24 lbs now since surgery in nov. hang in there - it is soooo wonderful when you do get that restriction. i have noticed that if i am feeling low in calories and weak for the day i will sip water while eating to get things to go thru so i can eat more, otherwise after 5 or 6 spoonfulls i am stuffed and getting that uncomfortable feeling. i know this will work for both you and kyle - just hang in there.


WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Kim -thats fabulous!!! it's gotta feel great! Thanks for your support!!!!!!!!!! Well today, I think it's finally working! Split a chicken bake (the ones from Costco with my Mom) I took 2 inches of it, and was good to go!!!!! Yaaaayyyyy!! I'm getting butterflies again. :lol:

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Well, just to update.....................................YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much Dr. Ramero!!!!

I LUV YOU!!! ><' I HAVE RESTRICTION, I REALLY DO!!! I am full after eating only about 1 cup of food. I am so excited, I have been singing, "Dancin on the ceiling" over and over, and no, I'm not a candidate for American Idol. :P I'm just so happy, because it's REALLY working!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! I don't want to jinks myself though, so I will knock on wood. You guys are the BEST!!! Thanks for ALL your support in helping me to feel like a normal lapbander, even though I'm not. This is soooooooooooo cool..........or this is 'tight" no pun-intended!!!!!!!!!

Teri ><'

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  Littleroo27 said:

You are so sweet! I'm really glad everything seems to be going well for you with your third AND fourth fills!!! Sometimes I'm unable to respond to people's posts simply because I don't HAVE the band yet *stomps foot and pouts*, but I did read Dr. Ortiz's book and have done so much research on the thing that my head sometimes spins from it, so when I see people with questions or who are just frustrated, I want to help when I can. I'm sure when I get the band I'll be back here asking these same questions to everyone else, just because it's so much different going through it yourself. I was really hoping to get banded in March, but now that my insurance covers the banding I have to do that whole 6 month pre-op diet, etc etc, red tape how I loath you.


You are so dedicated here and so knowledgeable about the band, fills, process, you should be so excited for your journey to begin. I am sure you are, and hey, you will probably tell all the "red tapers" things they may not know. LOL :rolleyes: I'm excited for you, and am looking forward to your sucess!

Keep us posted. Teri

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