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First Day OP Prior to Surgery

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I did it! I did it! I did it!


I followed program 100% today. I last saw my doctor (Dr. Feng in California) on 2/13. He told me I had to be on liquids only two weeks prior to surgery but if I wanted to start earlier it was up to me. So for about a week a began to prepare myself to cut over. Today I was 100% successful! I'm really pleased. Now that I've had a day offically cut over, I know I can continue until my surgery.

Hurrah! I feel really good right now.

BTW, is anyone else using ISOPURE? I actually enjoy it.

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I made it through day 2 on liquids but I think I'm going to go to sleep a little early to resist temptation. Since I started liquids early I'll be on liquids 18 days prior to the surgery.

My doctor said the first 3 days will be the hardest. Between now and my surgery I am throwing a huge birthday party for my husband and then flying to Dallas to be the Matron of Honor in my best friend's wedding. I fly home from Dallas about 72 hours before the surgery.

I could have postponed my surgery until the end of March so I wouldn't have to worry about liquids right now, but I thought to myself that the band isn't a diet...it's really a life style change so there is no time to start like the present.

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Day 5

Phew...my technical cut over date to liquids is tomorrow and I'm hanging in there. Yesterday I did eat a sour pickle but aside from that I've been on program.

I can't believe my body is able to function on between 400 and 500 calories a day. My doctor's data specified I was to have between 75 and 90 grams of protein to prevent hair loss so I'm keeping that in mind.

I've been using ISOPURE (which is 160 cals/40 grams of protein) and a Costco Chocolate Whey Powder (which is about 200 calories with an 8 oz class of nonfat mile and 20 grams of protein).

I guess th protein is preventing me from falling over. In addition to that I have sugar free popsicles, non fat yogurt, chicken/beef broth...the usual stuff.

Onward and upward.

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