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Surgery did not prepare me for this..

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So lately I've been having pains in my right abdomen and after days of testing, it was determined to be my gall bladder. My family has a history of gb problems and my doctor said it was functioning at 4%. Normal gb's function at 35% - ergo, it was time to take it out. I had my surgery on Friday and it was done laproscopically like the LapBand, so I thought I'd handle it as well as I handled that surgery. OMG. The pain is infinitely worse. I feel like I've been in multiple car accidents all while being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly. During my LapBand surgery, I was up and walking as soon as the anesthesia wore off, I had minimal gas pain, and felt great. Right now I feel like an old woman, the gas pain is endless, and I need help doing EVERYTHING, including going to the bathroom. I feel like an invalid. In addition to my LapBand scars (which you can barely see anymore) I now have 4 more scars - 3 across the right side of my abdomen and 1 in my bellybutton. The doctor said it would take at least a week before I felt like myself, so I have a feeling this will be a very long week..

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oh that sucks!

yah - Im a stabbed zebra from my lapband, c-sections, gallbladder and BR scars and stretchmarks. My gallbladder pain was the worst pain IVe experienced in my life. They waited too long as well - kept just sending me home with pain killers so my gallbladder "fell apart" and became gangreous (not sure how to spell) - worst experience ever!

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I'm so sorry, Dr Ortiz is so fast with our surgery and we are under for such a short while that his pts normally come out of surgery much better than even others who get the band and defiantly better than other surgeries.

One quick question - I know you have a family history with gall bladder issues - however could the weight loss have anything to do with it as well?

Thanks and hope you start feeling better soon!


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I too had to have my gall bladder removed. I had that surgery prior to the lapband surgery. I was also admitted to the hospital for three days though. The pain from the gall bladder was the worst ever experienced. I don't remember being in pain too much after the surgery but again I was hospitalized and on narcotics :-).

I hope you feel better soon!

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ALANA!!!! So thats what happened to you! I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I have hear from others that it is a painful surgery. I sure hope you are feeling better soon. And I would certainly take this opportunity to let everyone take care of you for a while. Just relax, rest and take good care of yourself. I miss you on here!!

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